Lost property

Lost items on the tram!

  1. When you have lost your property, please first call the bus company and ask to be directed to Lost and Found.
  2. When the lost property does not bear any information to indicate the identity the owner—such as a name—the inquirer will be asked to come to the bus company to directly confirm the property.
  3. We will return the property when ownership is confirmed.

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Lost items on the bus!

  1. When you have lost your property, please first call the bus company and ask to be directed to Lost and Found.
  2. When the lost property does not bear any information to indicate the identity of the owner—such as a name—the inquirer will be asked to come to the bus company to directly confirm the property.
  3. We will return the property when ownership is confirmed.

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Contact Us

Division, train

〒890-0055 Kagoshima City, Uearata-cho 37-20 TEL 099-257-2116
FAX 099-257-2119

Division, bus

〒890-0072 Kagoshima City, Shinei-cho 22-28 TEL 099-257-2117
FAX 099-257-2134

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(C)Kagoshima City Transportation Bureau. All rights reserved.